Let's build Software Libre APM together

published 26 March 2021

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Alright, you learned about ActiveSupport::Notifications, InfluxDB, Grafana and influxdb-rails in the two previous posts. Let's dive a bit deeper and look how we built the dashboards for you. So we can study, change and improve them together.

“Individually we are one drop; but together we are an ocean.” – Ryunosoke Satoro

Welcome to your Ruby on Rails Application Monitoring 101.

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Measure twice, cut once: App Performance Monitoring with influxdb-rails

published 25 March 2021

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Now that we learned how truly magnificent ActiveSupport::Notifications is in the previous post, let's explore a RubyGem Chris, others and me have built around this: influxdb-rails. Together with even more awesome Software Libre, it will help you to deep dive into your Ruby on Rails application performance.

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ActiveSupport::Notifications is Rad!

published 24 March 2021

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One of the lesser known parts of Rails core is the ActiveSupport instrumentation framework. ActiveSupport::Notifications includes all the things you need to implement pub-sub in Rails. Pub-Sub is a software architecture where you publish (send) a message without being specific about who should receive it. Fire and forget.

Receiving a message, and doing something with it, "just" requires you to subscribe to it. Because the publisher doesn't need to know about the subscribers (as they are decoupled), this provides nice opportunities for organization and scale.

Let's explore the joyful shenanigans of this.

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My Toolbelt

published 02 March 2020

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Here is my personal hardware & software stack. The things I use and enjoy on a daily basis since a long time. The software is pretty much the standard in Free Software development stack. Don't expect to find anything you don't know here. I write this because people keep asking me, especially in mentoring situations.

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